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1Charles Armalva Empty Charles Armalva Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:50 pm

Charles Armalva

Charles Armalva

Charles Armalva RjRFQIw
   "Yeah, like, I don’t know."

Name(s): Charles Armalva
Nickname(s): "Kid"
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Birthday: 2 March x761
Sexuality: Bi
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Rank: D-Class
Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild Tattoo: Left Calf
Face Claim: Internet person (Ichan-Desu)- Unknown


Height: 6’00”
Weight: 167lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
General Appearance:
         Keeping his eyes slightly above most people’s heads, Charles stands at a solid six feet. His presence is always noted. Not by an overwhelming fear he causes, on the contrary, he emits a glow of happiness. Charles is almost always smiling. People take note of that. His hair is golden blonde, like the rest of his family. “Armalva Gold” as his parent’s friends call it, always with a half-hearted laugh. His deep blue eyes he gets from his mom though. The Armalva side of his family has strict, deep brown eyes. Only he and his mother have blue eyes. His mother says it’s because she swam so much when she was pregnant. He doesn’t believe it, but he takes it as good a reason as any. He does believe that is why he likes swimming so much. His body is proof of it too. Toned and lean, classic swimmers body. Charles started to wear his hair pinned back, either with a clip or a headband because of swimming, but now he wears it like that fulltime. It’s less annoying and, frankly, more fashionable that way. His parents never let his hair grow out while he was at home, so now he refuses to cut it. Untied, his hair rests just past his hears and just covers his eyes.

         Charles likes to stay with the trends of the day; nothing too plain or too outlandish. In the summer he keeps it light; tank top and shorts, sandals and sunscreen.  The spring and fall are his favourite months because they are the months he gets to wear sweaters and hats. Beanies are his go to hat. Outside from October to April he can be seen wearing one. They hold his hair back without having to tie it up. It’s less work for him.

Extra: N/A


         Charles is happy. That’s obvious when you meet him because you can’t not help but feel happy when you’re near him. He’s also probably happy because you’re there too. He enjoys being with people, hearing what they have to say, listening to how there day was. He’ll charm you too. His tongue is silver and he definitely has a way with words. He likes most people he meets and is not afraid to show it. In fact he’s not afraid to show most people what he thinks. He’s open like that. No opinion is too bold for Charles Armalva. That’s not to say he’s not secretive. In fact it would be downright wrong to say that because he is one of the most secretive people you’ll come across. He’s like a shallow pool, easy to access and maneuver to a point, then it becomes rock hard. He doesn’t like to talk about his past much at all past the point when he left his parents. He does not tell people much of what he does outside the interactions he shares with that person or group of people. He finds it easier to deal with people this way. He fears that he’ll be judged by them for his background, decisions he’s made, or relationships he has or had. He wants people to assess him based on who he is at that moment and not what he’s done or what he was like. This behaviour is not healthy though, as it tears at his ability to be truly intimate with someone. He has a hard time making deep connections with people. He is scared of what they will think of him once they know everything and not just what he wants them to know. This conflicts with his desire for intimacy though. He longs for someone to spend his life with. He finds the concept of love endearing and nice.
         Charles spends most of his day at the guild hall. He’s probably looking at potential jobs, writing his novel, practicing his magic, or just hanging out with friends while he’s there. He likes to keep busy. “In boredom lies wasted time” he’ll say. He can always find something to do, even if that means stirring up a little harmless trouble. He likes to pull pranks and cause mischief. He’s been doing it since forever and has never grown bored of it. Of course, now that he pays for everything he breaks, he’s toned down on the more hazardous practical jokes.

         With people of society, Charles completely changes. Changes might not be the right word, reverts is more fitting. He acts just like he did when he was having dinner with his parents. He figured this out while he was on a mission to escort this lady to a ball because she had no date. He found that while he was there it was like the old Charles completely took over and the person he was 3 years ago emerged. He was completely proper. He found this helped with the completion of the job, but it made him feel off, wrong even. He disliked all the rules and regulation that comes with high society. He likes the life he has, not the life he had. He thought he’d gotten over his parents, but apparently they still have pull over him.


  • Stories
  • Swimming
  • His Friends
  • Magic
  • Love
  • Traveling


  1. Judgemental People
  2. High Society
  3. Deep Conversations
  4. Writing Letters


  • Creating A Life For Himself: Charles wants to really establish himself as a wizard.  He wants to make a name for himself and be seen as a hero, like in the stories he reads.
  • Perfecting His Magic: Charles has long since had a passion for magic. Right now his magic is not that create but he hopes to change that with hard work and practice!


  • Seeing His Parents: Charles loathes the day he will have to come back home. It's the reason he's writing the novel, he doesn't want to ruin the illusion. He knows that one day he will have to return, he just hopes that he's prepared for it.
  • Being Judged: Charles hates the feeling of being judged and goes to great lengths to avoid it. He is scared of what people think of him, that they think he's a bad person. That's his real fear, people thinking he's a bad person.

Positive Traits:
Negative Traits:

Magic: Orbis Magic
Caster or Holder: Caster
         Orbis magic, like the name implies, deals with orbs. This magic is very primal, using only pure arcane as its base. The caster of this magic will produce orbs of various shapes and sizes, all shining a beautiful purple. The orbs are all translucent, with purple being the shadow that steals its transparency. Most of the orbs made are hollow in the centre as it easier and less taxing on the caster to make. The orbs made can be various sizes depending on the needs of the caster’s needs. This magic is not limited to full, complete orbs either. Half-orbs, quarter orbs, even sixths orbs (yeah I know crazy right) can be made using this magic. Anything and everything orbs, this magic does.

         The way the magic in molded and weaved into an orb creates a tenacious material with very good defensive properties. Some call it rubber steal. It has a slight give to it but it’s solid past a certain point. Being made of pure magic has its advantages; this magic has no elemental weaknesses. This makes it even better for defensive magic. The fact that they are a spherical shape allows no weak spots. Every side of the orbs is just as strong the other. This allows the caster to defend themselves from any direction.

         Orbis magic sounds great right? Well here’s where it starts to look less glamorous. Orbis magic is very, like extremely, limited in offensive capabilities. The most this magic is capable of in the attack category is a simple “hurl orb that way.” That’s about it. Also due to it being made of arcane, and thus possessing no elemental affinity, it has no elemental advantage against elemental defenses. The orbs are also permeable. This means that air can get into them. No suffocating people with this magic.


          Charles grew up rich. His family deals with the selling of lacrimas. Shinning, fine glass, high quality lacrimas, “Armalva Silver” they call it. He is the third son in a family of five. He has twin older sisters, Sarah and Louisa, and two younger twin brothers, Christopher and Phillip. When Charles was little he used to go out to the backyard and play, just like every other five year old would do. The backyard was huge. Charles calls it “The Painted Forrest” because that’s what it’s like a forest of hedges and trees, perfectly sculpted into different figures, people, swans, dragons, all painted with thousands upon thousands of flowers, blue, red, pink, yellow. One day while he was spinning in a circle, trying to see how dizzy he could get, he tripped and fell into one of the sculptures, Charles thinks it was a sculpture of a couple kissing but he can’t remember. He can’t remember because all he can see is the image of his mother’s red hot, dignified face in rage. “A proper young boy should play properly!” His mother would yell in a most lady like fashion. “You should know by now how a proper boy is supposed to behave.” This line, this idea to be proper stuck with Charles. It became his mantra. He would be proper. Of course he was five and had no clue what being proper meant. He just copied whatever his sisters and parents were doing. For years, he would work on sitting properly, eating properly, dressing properly, behaving properly. He did this not out of some nervous compulsion, but as a way to please his parents. His parents aren’t bad people. “They just like things done a certain way” as he puts it. He felt obligated to please them after all his life was great. He lived in luxury, and his father always reminded him “that meal could not be there.” He was happy to be proper if it meant his parents were happy.

         His younger older siblings were not like him at all. They acted like him when they were supposed to, but behind closed doors different sisters emerged. They would always get into trouble. You name it, they’ve probably broken it. They were the type of kids who did eat the cookie from the cookie jar and never tell anyone. Louisa and Sarah were inseparable and unstoppable. They hypnotized young Charles. He would watch them get away with so much. He followed the rules and never got nearly as much as they did. “It’s not fair” he thought. He tried ratting on them a few times, but that only got him punishment because he could never prove it. So figuring he couldn’t beat them he joined them. He studied them like chimps in a lab. He was meticulous. How they did it, when they did it, what methods they used to hide what they did, everything until he could get away with thieving a cookie or breaking a vase without anyone the wiser. His moral justification for this was, “it’s not hurting my parents because they don’t even know it’s happening.”

         When he became a teenager, his relationship with his parents began to tense up, like it always does. Charles really got into reading. He would read and read, and since his parents approved his hobby, he fully engulfed himself in the world of literature. The problem arose when he wanted more out of the stories. He wanted to be just like the heroes in the books. He wanted to save people, he wanted to be able to cast fantastical magic and do fantastical things. Of course, being a mage is a lowly job, “Only two types of people are mages, hooligans and politicians, and you’ll be neither” his father would declare as if he was the be all supreme ruler of all things magic related. Charles never understood his resentment toward mages. His father owns a company that mainly sells to mages, so why would he be so against them? Charles never did find the answer to this question because he left without a trace one night. He was 18 at the time. He had some to the conclusion that he would never see eye to eye with his parents on his desire to become a mage. He left a note on the mahogany dresser in his parents’ bedroom.

         “Dear Mother and Father,

          You have no doubt noted my absence. I assure you I am alright. I have left for the foreseeable future. I left to pursue my career as an author. I have long since wanted to pursue my passion for books. This career path seemed most appropriate. I assure you both that I have given up the dream of becoming a mage. I felt I should mention that as I believe you may be thinking it. It is most probably a shock to find out about my depature this way. It is most impersonal. I thought a formal goodbye would be too emotional for our liking. You may send letters to me using the return address I have attached. It’s easier this way. I still love you both. When I come back I hope to have a novel for you to read.

          Charles Armalva”

         The real reason for his abrupt and quick departure was not to save face with his parents. It was to avoid having to look them in the eyes and lie to them. He just couldn’t do it. He wants to be a mage. He knows his parents would approve of him becoming a novelist. This way no one gets hurt. Once he left, he traveled for a while, mountains, oceans, forests galore. He saw way more in the months that he traveled than he’d seen his entire life. The majesty of a full grown tree outshines even the most perfectly sculpted trees in his backyard. He loved every minute of it. What he liked most was the overwhelming sense of freedom he possessed. He didn’t have to follow any rules, none. He dropped the whole “rich person” act as he found it tiresome and unfit for his new life. He traveled to distant countries, ate exotic foods, and met weird and wonderful people. He lived in a way that he had never before. He was genuinely happy. He never noticed how unnatural, how restricting the rules his parents imposed were. He drifted for months, until he began to run of the money he took from his piggy bank, and yes, his piggy bank funds were that much. He figured it was time to man up and start his career as a mage. He hadn’t started earlier because he felt unworthy of a guild, but now he had no other choice. The closest town by him was magnolia. He figured Fairy Tail was just as good as any. He picked up all his things and asked the Guildmaster to join. Of course they accepted him and now he is a full-fledged member of Fairy Tail.

2Charles Armalva Empty Re: Charles Armalva Fri Jan 02, 2015 1:30 am

Ardere Kasai

Ardere Kasai
Good Stuff, Approved.

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