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1Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Empty Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:45 am

Seraxael Seriel

Seraxael Seriel

       Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) 6696
       "Good guy, Bad guy, I don't care, if you have a pulse, I want to rob you of it."

   Name(s): Seraxael Seriel
   Nickname(s): Unyielding Shadow
   Age: 23
   Sex: Male
   Birthday: 04/20/X756
   Sexuality: Straight
   Class: Mystic
   Alignment: Neutral Evil
   Rank: S (guild leader)
   Guild: Phantom Lord
   Guild Tattoo: Under the right eye
   Face Claim: Yoshida Haru, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun

   Height: 6'2"
   Weight: 150 lbs
   Hair: Black Spiked hair, lays low but keeps volume. Very rugged looking
   Eyes: Red Iris, black pupil, and black eye
   General Appearance: Seraxael is a tall, muscular man, very young in appearance, and has a low fat but high muscle ratio in his body. He has a scar on his left side on his rib cage, originating from a sustained injury in his past. It is slightly stretched out, and appears to have been much worse, indicating that this injury was sustained long ago. Rax always wears a black tank top and black sweatpants, making him appear aloof, but in reality it is because of his magic he requires a little "breathing room" in his clothing. When he leaves he often puts on a black hooded jacket and black fingerless gloves. If he is going on a long journey, Rax will often bring a bag with items that he needs, such as water, and other survival essentials. He wears black combat boots, tying in the all black outfit. Rax wears black socks and even underwear too.
   Extra: Scar on the left side of his body. By his rib cage.


   Personality: Seraxael's personality is a little more complicated then his position or clothing choices might suggest. Rax basically has 2 modes, normal patient "0 frigs given" Rax, and "I will tear you apart if you even speak to me in a way I won't like," Rax. With his basic attitude of not caring he is more serious, with a side of being a bit aloof. While he is still very goal orientated and gets things done, he tends to be a bit more aloof when it comes to tackling missions, but if need be will take care of business with extreme efficiency, and maximum disdain. He will often face minor problems while adorning this attitude, making sure that things get done, but making sure that if they are done wrong, it is still a major annoyance. While he is still harsh with himself when failure is concerned, but he takes into consideration the strength of their opponents and the difficulty of the mission. If the assignment was too hard for the member, he will take that into consideration and be more lenient, but failure is still not an option. Rax doesn't care about who you are, what you do, or where you are, his bloodlust doesn't discriminate. When in his more "enraged" mode Rax has zero tolerance for any kind of crap. He has even been known to kill someone over attempting to take the same quest as him because he was in his "I will tear you apart if you even speak to me in a way I won't like." mode, because they tried to make an excuse as to why they should get the quest over him. When Rax is in this mode, he will get things done, and he will get them done hard, and with maximum prejudice to the task at hand. When he is in this attitude, Rax doesn't want to be bothered with your problems, and it's usually best to just stay away from him. He can be best described as completely psychotic when he is like that. He will calm down in time but there is not much that you can do in the meantime. Rax takes joy in what he does, be it killing, or fighting. There has never been a case, aside from sparring with friends when Rax has fought without the complete intent of killing his opponent. Something about the thrill of the fight makes him happy, and a strong opponent equals a more interesting fight.

  1. Rax likes fighting because the adrenaline rush he gets from it.
  2. Rax has a guilty pleasure of liking wolves, this may have something to do with his magic and his love of anything dark.
  3. Rax likes scheming, plotting, anything that keeps his mind busy and takes up time. This is because, though he may be psychotic at times, he likes to be a step ahead of his opponents, and strategic thinking is definitely a strong point.
  4. Rax likes using his magic, he likes to practice it daily to keep his skills sharp and toned. This is because of his constant fight for survival during his childhood.


  1. Rax dislikes boredom, he hates having nothing to do and it bores him to the point where he just can't sit still any longer and has to do something. This is because when he was younger he was constantly moving in an effort to stay alive.
  2. Rax hates failure. This is because he takes great pride in his prowess as a mage and finds that failure makes him feel as if the name of Phantom Lord itself is tarnished.
  3. Rax hates being outsmarted, he takes pride in his deductive powers and strategic thinking, and it hurts his pride when things like that happen.
  4. Rax hates sickness, or anything that can slow down his plans. This is because he holds himself to a strict schedule and wants to make sure that everything is going according to his plans.

   Motivations: Rax is motivated by his own will, he has plans, and he wants to see them through, be it an assassination or a take over. He has a bigger picture in mind, and the sight of that on the horizon pushes him to greatness.

  1. Rax fears the council and what it may do in order to stop the ascent of Phantom Lord. He has seen the lengths they may go to, and in reality, he doesn't want that to hinder his plans. This is because of his goal orientated mindset.
  2. Rax fears total failure, he doesn't want to be stopped, and he will go to any length to prevent himself from being stopped, he will abide by the rules a little bit to keep himself and his guildmates out of the spotlight while he moves forward with his plans.

   Positive Traits: Total Points, 14

  • Deceitful (+2): You have a knack for disguising the truth. Your lies are difficult to distinguish from the truth.
  • Stealthy (+3): You are particularly good at avoiding notice. You could be sitting somewhere in a thread at a bar and people wouldn't even notice that you were there.
  • Enhanced Strength (+3): Your character is slightly stronger than other characters when it comes to physical strength.
  • Diligent (+2): Your meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss.
  • Regeneration (+4): You heal very fast inside and outside of combat. Small cuts that go up to one inch deep are healed in the next post.

   Negative Traits: Total Points, -14

  • Derangement/Insanity (-9)[3 different derangements]: Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are permanently insane. You may have a congenital brain disorder, or perhaps you saw something mortals were never intended to lay eyes upon, and it drove you mad.

    Vigilance: Distraction, inability to focus, insomnia, irritability, impatience. All Will saves and checks involving Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma suffer a -4 penalty.

    This is shown by Rax's persistent avoidance of the magic council and his desire to stay out of the spotlight can sometimes consume is better judgement and impair his focus.

    Bipolar Mood Disorder: The character oscillates between the mood states mentioned above, sometimes staying in one mood for weeks at a time, sometimes rapidly switching from one to another. Also known as manic depressive.

    Example of this is how Rax can sometime switch between two personalities, such as his IDGAF attitude, and his I will kill you all, attitude.  

    Phobia: A character afflicted by a phobia persistently fears a particular object or situation. She realizes that the fear is excessive and irrational, but the fear is disturbing enough that she avoids the stimulus.

    Rax's innate fear of the council play into his phobia, which explains his behavior in trying to keep himself from gaining too much attention.
  • Intolerance (-1): You have an irrational dislike of a certain thing. It may be an animal, a class of person, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial or ridiculous to count--a dislike of Bavarian-crème-filled donuts or mechanical pencils, for example, has no real dramatic value and will not be allowed.

    His intolerance of failure is an example of this trait.
  • Overconfident (-1): Nothing is beyond your capabilities. If you wanted, you could defeat the best swordsman in the world; you just haven't had any reason to do so yet. And surely that chasm isn't too wide for you to leap across.

    Rax's confidence in his killing prowess is definitely an example of this.
  • Overzealous (-1): You are incapable of having a weak opinion. Everything you believe, you believe as if your life depended on it. Everything you don't believe in, you hate with a passion.
    Once in a while your flaw gets you to strongly defend one of your opinions, no matter how inappropriate the time and place, nor what the circumstances of such an outburst may be.

    Rax's unwavering ideals are a great example of this trait.
  • Proud (-1): You don't like accepting help from others. If a gift or offer of aid smacks of charity or pity even the slightest bit, you grow indignant and refuse it.

    Rax's pride in the Phantom Lord name is an example of this trait.
  • Cautious (-1): You are uneasy engaging in behavior that carries a chance of failure. You must spend twice as long performing any skill that requires an action. For example, deciphering a page of text would take 2 minutes for you instead of 1.

    Rax's strategic avoidance of the magic council and it's dealings are a great example of this trait.


  Magic: Hellfire Make Magic
  Caster or Holder: Caster
  Description: Contrary to the name, Hellfire is actually comprised of darkness. The darkness takes the appearance of flames, but have none of the attributes such as burning, and is only capable of making dark based spells that resemble black fire.
  Strengths: Hellfire make magic allows the user to reign free control over the Dark element. The magic itself is derived from ancient teachings that are automatically hidden within the mind of those derived from the darkness, the demons of the night. Being dark magic it is very versatile and can be used without much strain to the caster. The magic is much like a make magic, meaning that the applications are totally up to the imagination of the caster. The only real difference is that instead of shadows, the objects created look as if they were made from a black flame.
Weaknesses: Dark magic users are weak to light magic users, so any light mage can counter a Hellfire Make Mage in the means of elemental advantage. Hellfire Make magic requires absolute control and focus, if the user does not have control over themselves, they will lose control of their magic, when this occurs the only thing the mage can do is shoot blasts of dark magic, or any spell that shoots dark magic. This is an extreme drawback for a user with, for example, a  multiple personality that can drive him insane.
Seraxael was not born in a town, he wasn't raised with a family, he didn't have a home, brothers or sisters, he had nothing. It was as if he came out of nowhere, nobody knew where he came from, or what he came from, but they knew one thing, everyone in the area around him knew to stay away. There, however was one person who accepted him, well, person is an objective term. His name was Ringjax, he was a hulking monstrosity of a being, and he was not very friendly. As a matter of fact, he hated pretty much everything except Rax, but, he was a dragon, so that's probably why. From the moment he met Rinjax, Rax was never afraid, it never seemed to bother him while everyone else would be fearful. Rax cared for this dragon, but they never really had a father/son relationship, more like, teacher/student. Ringjax taught Rax an ancient magic, one so rare, that the thought of it made them quell in fear. Dragon Slayer Magic. Ringjax was the dragon of darkness, and therefore, darkness was the element which Rax learned to control. Rax was stronger, he learned to survive, to fight. But he also learned to hate. He was feared, his ability to control such a strange magic, even at such a young age was unheard of. It was at age 7 that Rax first experienced the feeling of bloodshed. It was a boy, no older than Rax. He was teasing Rax, calling him names and denying him the food that he had scavenged. He kept pushing and pushing, and finally something in Rax's mind gave way. He pounced on the boy with an unheard of ferocity. The boy defended by drawing a knife and slashing at Rax, opening up two very deep gashes in a cross shape on his left rib cage, but it was too late for him. Rax was already upon him, he jammed his fingers into the boy's neck, cutting of the circulation from his jugular veins to his brain, suffocating him by denying his brain blood, and ultimately killing him. Rax was ashamed and exhilarated, but resolved never to let anyone discover, not even Ringjax. One morning when Rax awoke, his teacher was gone, nowhere to be found. Rax assumed that Ringjax was tired of him and decided to move on. This loss made Rax start to become delusional. Rax was a seemingly innocent child, but there was something about him. It was as if, he was not the only person in control of that body. There was the Rax that moved along, trying to survive in the harsh woodlands around the small village in which he stalked, and there was the one that thirsted, wanted to spill the blood of those that would do him wrong, of those that would abandon him in his time of need. This grew into hatred, and he harbored it for years.

In his pre-teen years, Rax had drifted to a town called "Oak." It was here he found a guild, the promise of money and strength enticed him, and his need for survival outweighed the hesitance he felt. He walked in to the guild hall, it was grand, but admittedly, a bit dark. But that's exactly what Rax liked, he began to feel more comfortable here, and eventually became a member. This guild, the one he had stumbled into, was none other than Phantom Lord, the dark guild that had gained a name for itself. Many of the people there looked at him differently, it was as if they were excited to see another child. Little did they know, Rax had a power inside him that would be feared in the years to come. The leader of the guild at that time, Master Astaroth, took him under his wing. He had a type of magic that could evaluate the magic of others, and deem what type it was. He was shocked to find that Rax's natural magical ability was much different than anything he had ever seen, and he decided then that he would mold this boy as a tool, one that could easily turn the tide in any battle and gain the Master money, power, and anything he could want. Rax didn't know it then, or at least, his childlike heart refused to accept it, but he was merely a tool, one to be used by Astaroth.

It was in his teens that Seraxael really blossomed. He had been educated, and much to his surprise, picked everything up rather easily. He learned many things about the world, it's magics, and the social system. He learned his history, mathematics, linguistic skills, and most importantly, he learned to plan, plot, and form formidable strategies. However, not only did Seraxael's mental skills develop, but his magical skills as well. When it  came time for him to train his magic, Rax stared at the darkened claws enveloping his arm, and said with much pride on his face "Looks like I finally perfected your power, Ringjax." Rax had trained his magic, his body and his mind. He had embarked on many quests and served diligently under his master. But the education that Astaroth provided Rax, would prove to be Astaroth's downfall. Raxael wasn't naive anymore, he knew what was going on, and he knew that Astaroth thought of him only as a tool. However, even with his improved skills, taking down a guild master was no small feat, he would have to approach it strategically.

At the age of 21, Rax had gained formidable strength, and his attitude had grown. Over the past 5 years, once Rax had become aware of Astaroth's motives, he had begun planting seeds of disarray amongst the members of the guild. He had convinced them that Astaroth's motives towards Rax, were the same as the motives towards all of the guild members, when in reality, Astaroth thought of them only as pawns on the board, pieces to be sacrificed when he willed in order to complete his goal. Although Rax took pride in the Phantom Lord name he was not above wanting to kill his guild master. He wanted to start an uprising. It would take some time, and he would continue to plant the seeds of denial for as long as it took to take him down. He would take over Phantom Lord, but not until he was in the perfect position to do so.

That position would come roughly one year later, when the seeds of denial that Rax had so previously planted would begin to sprout. The uprising had begun. All around the guild, fights broke out. Bloodshed was spread throughout the guild and stained the walls. While the guild members squabbled amongst themselves, as many still stayed loyal to Astaroth, Rax began his ascent to the office in which Astaroth was contained. Rax thought of him as a coward, as Astaroth clearly knew their was an uprising, but rather than take his guild back, stayed cowered in his office. Rax flung open the large decorative doors in a violent fashion. There, standing with his arm outstretched, and a beam readying in his hand, was Astaroth. Astaroth fired the beam directly at Seraxael's face. In a lightning quick movement, Rax dipped to the side, allowing the beam to careen past him and hit the wall behind him, blasting a hole in the front of the guild. The light poured into the room, illuminating Rax's face. He had snapped, his normal, calm nature was replaced, bloodlust overcame him, and he thirsted for blood. Rax used the claws made from Dark Judgement and charged at Astaroth. His lanky movements were quick, but interrupted, as he moved from side to side. Astaroth began to cast a spell, magic circles appeared underneath Rax, and spikes of darkness erupted. Rax dodged, but not without a deep gash on his arm. Rax held the would and took his hand away. Leaving it covered in his blood. He licked his own blood from his claws, and erupted a battle cry filled with his murderous intent. The wound on his arm began to seal, and he moved forward once again, this time faster, more linear, and definitely, with more intent to kill. His claws swiped, tearing chunks of Astaroth's clothing, along with his flesh from his bones. The blood poured from Astaroth, and Rax leered at him. The terrified look in the once guild leader's eyes gave away his fear of death. Rax leaned down, and ended that desperation, by plunging his claws into the head of Astaroth, he ended it. He separated the head from the deceased guild leader's shoulders, and carried it out to show the guild. Those who were loyal to Astaroth charged blindly and with hate. With a wave of his arm, spike erupted from the ground, a spell he had learned from Astaroth back in the day, and impaled the would be assassin. Rax threw the head into the crowd and donned the guild leader's cloak.

The acceptance of his role as guild leader was wide spread, mainly because most of the members feared his power. He ended up gaining the respect and loyalty of his members, and rather than using them as tools, they were his comrades, his guild members, and lastly, the sick, dysfunctional family that he never had.

After he stepped down due to the pressure on his psyche, Rax somehow lost his connection to his dragon magic. It was almost like he lost everything, but something else unlocked, something deep. It resonated with his inner self and something terrible came forth. Rax was able to connect with the demon world, from which he was spawned. He gained the ability to bring forth the black.


Last edited by Seraxael Seriel on Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:20 am; edited 11 times in total (Reason for editing : Editing for Physique again, last one was too big. edited magic and history to reflect changes.)

2Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Empty Re: Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Wed Mar 05, 2014 1:44 am

Seraxael Seriel

Seraxael Seriel

3Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Empty Re: Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:30 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
-You need an actual birthdate, not just the year.
-Please extend your magic strengths and weaknesses just a little to meet the 75 word requirement.
-Phantom Lord is not available currently. Unless you are willing to wait for it to open, please choose another guild.

4Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Empty Re: Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Mon Mar 10, 2014 7:42 am

Seraxael Seriel

Seraxael Seriel
Tali Zorah wrote:
-Phantom Lord is not available currently. Unless you are willing to wait for it to open, please choose another guild.

Sorry about that, can't believe that slipped my mind lol. Fixed birthday and word reqs, and as far as PL is concerned, I'll wait for the opening of the guild, just wondering when that will be.

5Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Empty Re: Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:44 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
With this birthdate, you would be 23 as you have not had your 24th birthday yet.

I cannot give you a definite time on when Phantom Lord will be available at this time. We are trying to get everything together so when it does open, it is ready to start immediately.

6Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Empty Re: Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Tue Mar 11, 2014 12:25 am

Seraxael Seriel

Seraxael Seriel
Tali Zorah wrote:With this birthdate, you would be 23 as you have not had your 24th birthday yet.

I cannot give you a definite time on when Phantom Lord will be available at this time. We are trying to get everything together so when it does open, it is ready to start immediately.

I am aware of that, I am just set on that guild, so I can be patient, in the mean time, I will just lurk the chat box as usual. Thanks for your patience.

7Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Empty Re: Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:22 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
Not a problem. I approve this character, but am going to wait until Phantom Lord opens to move it to the Approved Section and give you your color.

8Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Empty Re: Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Tue Mar 11, 2014 3:25 pm

Seraxael Seriel

Seraxael Seriel
Thank you very much, I look forward to it lol.

9Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Empty Re: Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:54 pm

Seraxael Seriel

Seraxael Seriel

10Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Empty Re: Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Sun Mar 16, 2014 3:28 pm

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah
"Choose a Derangement/Insanity for your character from the lists below. Though the list is by no means exhaustive, the following options are ones that have been presented in game terms and that have definable--and most times numerical--penalties." -Remove this from under Derangement/Insanity.

11Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Empty Re: Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Sun Mar 16, 2014 4:42 pm

Seraxael Seriel

Seraxael Seriel
Edited to change magic to Shadow Dragon Slayer, as all guilds get one, from what I was told. Extended history to fit said magic change, and made sure the requirements were as instructed.

12Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Empty Re: Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:22 am

Tali Zorah

Tali Zorah

13Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Empty Re: Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Thu Oct 30, 2014 12:53 pm

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Pulled for Physique Change, and magic change.

14Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Empty Re: Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Thu Oct 30, 2014 11:11 pm

Seraxael Seriel

Seraxael Seriel
Bump, edited magic and faceclaim

15Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Empty Re: Seraxael (Rax) Seriel (D rank son) Fri Dec 12, 2014 8:03 am

Kazuki Kobayashi

Kazuki Kobayashi
Approved. Moving it back.

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